
Showcase 1

Civil Society Initiatives to Support the Rule of Law in Sri Lanka (CSI.ROL)

Under the 3.5-year, $3.9 million CSI.ROL project, Millennium developed the capacity of key CSOs and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to engage in evidence-based advocacy, enhance access to justice, and raise awareness of rights. Millennium worked with both civil society and the MOJ to lay the foundation for comprehensive reforms in the judiciary and build capacity by training judicial personnel, lawyers, judges, and legal aid providers. Of relevance to the Jordan ERA was our ability to provide rapid, flexible support to a newly elected government anxious to demonstrate its commitment to reform. Being prepared for a potential political realignment enabled us to respond quickly with a reform strategy and leverage an empowered reform consti­tuency to gain government buy-in. For our work Millennium received a “very good” CPAR quality rating.

Showcase 2

Cambodia: Civil Society Strengthening Project (CCSS)

CCSS is a five-year contract awarded to East-West Management Institute, Inc. by USAID. Millennium is a subcontractor under this project, engaged for the purpose of providing methodological support to build the capacity of a civil society organization to develop and use an online fact-checking platform and to conduct effective outreach to both journalists and news consumers. In addition, Millennium will produce five individual case studies on CCSS partners.