Access to Justice in Moldova Project Results

Since its inception in 2019, Millennium’s Access to Justice in Moldova Project (ATJ) has significantly improved the quality of justice for all Moldovan citizens, especially the most vulnerable. The project ends amidst an unprecedented economic, political, and humanitarian crisis largely generated by the Russian invasion of neighboring Ukraine.

Despite these challenges, ATJ has continued its work, extending legal assistance to Moldovan citizens, from the disabled and marginalized to women and children refugees from Ukraine.

In this short YouTube video production, ATJ’s Chief of Party, Olivia Pirtac, and the Minister of Justice, Veronica Moraru-Mihailov discuss the pivotal role ATJ has played in delivering justice in Moldova. In addition, some of ATJ’s grantees and partners reflect on how the project supported their individual efforts toward advancing legal awareness and strengthening the capacity of legal aid services.

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