Small And Medium Enterprise Development

Iraq Provincial Economic Growth  

[intlink id=”164″ type=”page”]Tijara[/intlink]: Millennium is a subcontractor to the Louis Berger Group. Millennium has a four-year ($4.2 mn April 2008-March 2012). Tijara, which means prosperity in Arabic, is providing support for the development of small and medium enterprises (SME) in the 18 governorates of Iraq. There are two main activities of Tijara. First, Tijara provides advice and training support for SME development to Business Development Centers across Iraq. These are closely linked to US military and civilian Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) across Iraq. Second, Tijara focuses on providing advice and financial support for micro and small and medium credits through a number of Iraqi banks. Millennium has taken the lead in the SME banking component working with the Iraqi Company for Bank Guarantees and its member banks to provide SME credit through a system of loan guarantees. It is also working with the Iraqi Company for Financing SMEs, a non bank financial institution that provides direct lending to these enterprises.

Millennium Partners also is providing monitoring and evaluation of the entire project.

Investment Training Program for Eastern European Countries
Millennium/C&S implemented the Training Program for Eastern European Countries Investment and Industrial Co-operation Promotion for the Italian Government to develop the skills and qualifications of small and medium size Eastern European exporters. The project developed clusters of SME companies in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Slovenia.

Ethiopia SME Development
Millennium/C&S undertook an assessment and evaluation of the legal and institutional environment for the development of the private sector, focusing on institutions and regulatory aspects affecting private sector.

Jordan SME Development
Millennium/C&S undertook a project to promote strategic alliance agreements between Jordanian and European Union SMEs to improve relations and increase growth of Jordanian imports to the EU.